Workforce deVELOPMENT
Community Progress Council’s team of coaches use a holistic approach when addressing the needs of unemployed and under-employed residents of York County. Coaches work with individuals to help create a plan of action to secure family-sustaining employment opportunities.
Our team is able to provide or connect program participants with opportunities to enhance education, skills and training that can lead to employability in all industries.
Coaches also partner with a variety of community organizations to connect participants to employment-related trainings and education — such as ESL classes, GED preparation and additional workshops and classes.
Our Services
CPC uses a variety of resources to help connect program participants with the training necessary to achieve their employment goals.
Our coaches work with participants to help them find or pursue employment opportunities relevant to their skill set and experience.
CPC’s team can work with participants to build a resume, brush up on their interview skills, help overcome barriers to employment and more.