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Community Progress Council put teacher on path to advancement

After years as a Head Start teacher, Nicolette Bowman is tackling a new challenge as an Education Coordinator.

Growing up, Nicolette Bowman watched her grandmother work tirelessly as a York City School District reading specialist. When the time came to choose her own career, Nicolette knew she wanted to offer the same dedication to the children of York.

After earning her bachelor’s degree in Education 14 years ago, she began working as a Head Start teacher for Community Progress Council (CPC). The agency offers an array of services to low-income families throughout York County, including early childhood education programs like Head Start.

“I just like the sense that Community Progress Council is giving back to the community,” she says. “We’re helping our community gain the skills to be self-sufficient and to strive in the city.”


Pursuing personal growth

Nicolette spent her first seven years with CPC as a Head Start teacher, helping her students become kindergarten-ready while learning to deal with emotions and conflict.

During that time, she decided she was ready to take the next step in her education. Nicolette had started her master’s in 2009 at a previous job but had never been able to finish.

With the help of the CPC Tuition Reimbursement program, Nicolette began working toward her master’s in Multi-Cultural Education and graduated last year.

That degree, she says, was put into practice right away in Nicolette’s diverse classroom.

“It was a great benefit to be able to finish my education with the help of and support of Community Progress Council,” she says.


Stepping into a new position

In 2020, a position opened for an interim Education Coordinator. Nicolette was initially hesitant to apply for the role. She loved her time in the classroom. But, she was ready to try a new challenge.

“The good thing about Community Progress Council and Head Start is you don’t have to stay in your same role,” she says. “There’s definitely places to advance.”

After a year in the interim role, Nicolette stepped into a permanent position as an Education Coordinator. Now, she spends her days supporting her teachers and overseeing four Head Start classrooms, while still popping into the classrooms weekly to connect with the kids.

“You can definitely climb the ladder here,” she says. “I appreciate my growth and my education and the relationships that I’ve built.”


A career awaits

Join Nicolette and many others at Community Progress Council as a Head Start teacher. A competitive salary, full benefits and generous PTO, and growth opportunities are available. Apply today.