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Community Progress Council is pleased to celebrate Chief Program Officer Ruth Robbins, who was recently named to the National Community Action Partnership (NCAP) Head Start Task Force.

The Task Force is a diverse group of community action agency executives and Head Start directors that was formed to advise NCAP’s Board of Directors on actions related to early childhood issues and advocate on behalf of the community action network to promote the synergies that exist between community action and the Head Start early childhood education model.

Robbins’ involvement directly aligns with Community Progress Council’s family-centered approach to early childhood education, where a full team wraps around enrolled families to connect them with comprehensive, integrated services that can help them make progress toward economic self-sufficiency.

“As York County’s community action agency since 1965, we know that early childhood education programs are most effective and efficient when delivered through a whole-family approach that addresses all of a family’s needs and potential barriers to economic stability,” said Robin Rohrbaugh, President/CEO, Community Progress Council.

“We have the unique opportunity to interrupt generational poverty because we can easily leverage other family supports and services, within our organization and with external partners. Ruth’s role on this national Task Force is the perfect opportunity to share our best practices and learn from other community-based organizations across our region and the country.”

 In her role on the Task Force, Robbins will help set goals for the network’s Head Start engagement, and take advocacy actions on NCAP’s behalf.

 Robbins will fill a vacancy for Region 3, which covers Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia, through the remainder of the current two-year term, which runs through 2024.



About Community Progress Council

Opening its doors in 1965 as York County’s community action agency, Community Progress Council is now one of approximately 1,000 community action agencies across the United States that were established in the 1960s when President Lyndon B. Johnson’s declared a war on poverty. Although each organization is different, community action agencies broadly empower individuals and families to rise above poverty and become self-sufficient. Through dedicated relationships, resources, and skill-building programs, Community Progress Council empowers individuals to become productive, involved citizens. Community Progress Council is proud to be a member of the Community Action Association of Pennsylvania and the Community Action Partnership and a United Way of York County Partner Agency.